Alafia is Yoruba for peace that encompasses physical, emotional, spiritual, psychological well being. It is a state of mind that emulates the phrase "All is well."
Alafia Mental Health Institute is engaged in a partnership with several schools in the Los Angeles School District. As a result of this partnership, therapists provide individual and family therapy for clients attending these schools. Therapists work with the families to enhance academic abilities as well as promote psychological well-being.
Individual Psychotherapy involves regularly scheduled sessions between the client and a mental health professional (psychiatrist, psychologist, marital family therapist, nurse practitioner, social worker, counselor and any qualified student of these professions).
These services provided may address current or past difficulties clients face and are designed in a way to reduce problematic symptoms while increasing overall quality of life as well as adaptive functioning in all areas of the client's life.
Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy (TF-CBT)
Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP)
Crisis Oriented Recovery Services (CORS)
Seeking Safety (SS)
Stepped Care Approach (SCA)
Recovery, Resiliency, and Reintegration (RRR)
Multidisciplinary Assessment Team (MAT)
Angeles Mesa Elementary School
Grape Street Elementary
54th Street Elementary
Audobon Middle School
Diego Rivera High School,
Augustus Hawkins High School, and more.

Alafia Mental Health Institute is a CAPIC (California Psychology Internship Council) internship training site. For more information please visit CAPIC official website. See Internship training topics below.
The Psychology Intern provides direct clinical services to individuals (children and adolescents) and their families. The Psychology Intern provides field-based services at the client’s residence, school, place of work, or other appropriate locations throughout the community. The psychology Intern utilizes one or more Evidence Based Practices or provides services within specific guidelines as approved by LA County DMH.
The Psychology Intern works with clients to complete an assessment, diagnosis, and develop a mutually agreed upon treatment plan. The Psychology Intern provides ongoing mental health services, as outlined in the Client Care Coordination Plan (Replace “Client Care Coor. Plan” with “Client Treatment Plan), utilizing LAC DMH approved Evidence-Based Practices. The Psychology Intern provides guidance and instruction to case managers whose responsibility it is to provide non-clinical supportive services.
(323) 293-8771
(310) 352-6422
(661) 940-9094